Mirfield Monumental Inscriptions
Transcribed from a copy of the 'old' (i.e.
circa 1890) MI transcription for Mirfield Parish Church (St Mary's)
which contains details of tombstones between 1630 and 1883
- many of which were subsequently moved / removed.
Deb Walker, Dewsbury
284. Altar tomb. Sacred to the memory of George HAIGH Butcher of this parish who departed this life on the 11th day of May 1838 in the 52nd year of his age. Also Mary wife of the above who departed this life on the 5th day of August 1838 in the 40th year of her age. Also Elizabeth daughter of the above who departed this life Jan 8th 1848 in the 20th year of her age. 306. Altar tomb. Here lieth interred the body of John HAIGH late of Earthorp, butcher, who departed this life the 30th day of April AD 1779 aged 55., Also Elizabeth HAIGH wife to the above Jo.n HAIGH who departed this life the 29th day of May 1790 aged 67. Also Ann the wife of Joshua HAIGH son of the above John HAIGH who departed this life Dec 9th 1791 in the 38th year of her age. Also the above Joshua HAIGH who departed this life Feb 21st 1818 in the 63rd year of his age. Likewise three sons Francis, William and Abraham, who died in their infancy. Also Mary HAIGH wife of the above Joshua HAIGH who died June 7th 1837 Aged 84 years. 307. Altar tomb. Sacred to the memory of Samuel HAIGH of Ravens Lane, Tanner, who departed this life on the 10th day of November 1850 in the 38th year of his age. Say why should friendship grieve for those, who safe arrive on Canaan’s shore, released from all their hurtful foes, they are not lost, but gone before. Secure from every mortal care, by sin and sorrow vexed no more, eternal happiness they share, who are not lost, but gone before. To Zion’s peaceful courts above, in faith triumphant may we soar, embracing in the arms of love, the friends not lost, but gone before. On Jordan’s bank where’er we come, and hear the swelling waters roar, Jesus convey us safely home, to friends not lost, but gone before. 308. Altar tomb. Beneath this tomb lies interred the body of Mary the wife of John HAIGH of this town who departed this life the 26th day of August 1805 in the 25th year of her age. Also near this place lies interred the body of Rebecca wife of the above John HAIGH who departed this life the 3rd day of May 1810 aged 24 years. Also Hannah daughter of the above Rebecca who died in her infancy. Also of the abovesaid John HAIGH, who departed this life March 27th 1831 in the 51st year of his age. 309. Altar tomb. Sacred to the memory of Joseph HAIGH of east Thorp Lane, Maltster, who departed this life on the 15th of April 1823 in the 33rd year of his age. Reader, the friend beneath this tomb was snatch’d away in life’s full bloom; O sudden stroke; how soon remov’d from all on this frail earth he lov’d; surely such death’s most loudly cry, Repent! And live prepar’d to die. Also to the memory of Sarah SCOTT wife of the above Joseph HAIGH, who departed this life Oct 28th 1853 in the 67th year of her age. 708. Altar tomb. In memory of John the son of Jacob and Jane LISTER of Mirfield who died May 24th 1798 aged 9 years. Also Samuel their son who died August 25th 1801 aged 9 years. Also of the above Jacob LISTER who died May 14th 1835 aged 69 years. Also of Jane wife of the above who died May 5th 1849 aged 84 years. Also of Armitage son of Joseph and Louisa Ann LISTER and great grandson of the above Jacob and Jane LISTER who died Oct 20th 1860 aged 8 months. Also of William eldest son of the above Jacob and Jane LISTER who died Feb 20th 1865 aged 70 years. Also of Ann relict of the above William LISTER and daughter of John HAIGH of Water Hall, born May 6th 1800, died March 26th 1879. 862. (no tomb type given). In memory of Elizabeth the wife of John MOORE Mirfield who departed this life Sep 1st 1833 aged 26 years. Also of Joseph Haigh MOORE their son who died Nov 25th 1833 aged 20 weeks. It pleas’d the Lord to cut the thread of life, Of this a loving and virtuous wife, In bringing forth an offspring was the case, And now both rests quite easy in this place, In hopes hereafter to arise to bliss, Where Christ the Lord, and all his angels is. Also of the above named John MOORE who died Aug 23rd 1847 aged 42 years. Also of Alice second wife of the above John MOORE she died at Bury in Lancashire May 2nd 1864 aged 49 years. 892. Altar tomb. In memory of Joshua HAIGH of Mirfield who died June 5th 1838 aged 36 years. Also of Betty wife of the above who died Aug 10th 1837 aged 38 years. Also of Sarah their daughter who died Nov 4th 1827 aged 2 years. Also of Joseph their son who died Dec 19th 1831 aged 2 months. Also of John son of the above named Joshua and Betty HAIGH who departed this life on the 15th day of March 1859 aged 30 years. 893. Headstone. In memory of Samuel HAIGH of Mirfield who died Dec 13th 1860 aged 30 years. Wife forbear to mourn and weep, Whilst sweetly in the dust I sleep, Mourn not for me, nor sorrow take, But love my children for my sake. Also of Hannah relict of the above named Samuel HAIGH who died March 4th 1877 aged 43 years. 1082. ½ Altar tomb. In memory of Joseph HAIGH formerly of Kirkheaton who departed this life May 29th 1832 in the 67th year of his age. Also Sarah relict of the above who departed this life October 14th 1850 aged 78 years. And also of Margaret daughter of the above who died April 16th 1880 aged 67 years.